Entertainment District Proposal | https://www.investinphoenix.com/development-opportunities/entertainment-district-proposal | Entertainment District Proposal | Phoenix is exploring the creation of a vibrant entertainment district surrounding our convention center to enhance the visitor experience and boost economic activity. The district would feature new hotels, restaurants, retail, and nightlife within walking distance of the Phoenix Convention Center. We're seeking community input on this exciting opportunity to create a thriving downtown destination for visitors and residents alike. | <div class="ExternalClassADDDBCC835794C3C92B2693E5CF6D2C2"><div><h1>Help Shape Phoenix’s New Entertainment Hub<br></h1><p>The City of Phoenix is proposing the formation of an entertainment district around our convention center to enhance the visitor experience and boost economic activity downtown. We want to hear your thoughts! What kinds of amenities or experiences would you like to see in a downtown entertainment district? How do you think this might impact our community? Your input is crucial as we evaluate this concept. Learn more about the proposal and share your feedback, concerns, or creative ideas to help shape the future of our downtown. We will be scheduling community meetings to further discuss this proposal. The dates and times for these meetings will be announced in the near future.<br></p><p><br></p><p></p><h3>Scope of Work: <br></h3><ul><li>Public engagement<br></li><ul><li>Viability Study</li><li>Location / Boundary Exploration</li><li>Market and Feasibility Analysis</li><li>Financial Feasibility Study</li></ul><li>Implementation Plan<br></li><ul><li>Opportunities and Challenges</li><li>Code/Ordinance Updates</li><li>District Map</li><li>Future Growth Opportunities</li></ul></ul><h3>Process Overview: <br></h3><ul><li>Analyze – <br></li><ul><li>Data collection</li><li>Site visit</li></ul><li>Outreach – <br></li><ul><li>Stakeholder interviews (ongoing)</li><li>Community focus groups (Oct – Dec)</li></ul><li>Recommend – <br></li><ul><li>District concept creation</li><li>Recommendations<br></li></ul></ul><div><p>
<span style="font-size:10px;">
<em>(last updated September 2024)</em></span><br></p></div></div></div> | https://www.investinphoenix.com/images/PCC-EntDis-Banner.png | https://www.investinphoenix.com/images/2014-Downtown-PhxConventionCenter-2.jpg | entertainment-district-proposal | Entertainment District Proposal | Development Opportunities | development-opportunities/entertainment-district-proposal |