Phoenix Bioscience Core Master Plan Update | | Phoenix Bioscience Core Master Plan Update | The Phoenix Bioscience Core (PBC) is undergoing a new master planning process to shape its future development. We are seeking community input to guide its growth as a hub for biomedical research, education, and healthcare. With a focus on expanding facilities, improving infrastructure, and enhancing community connections, the next master plan will support continued innovation while integrating with the downtown Phoenix community. Your feedback will help shape the PBC's role in driving economic impact and advancing health sciences. | <div class="ExternalClassE3B41E36789B48E49D0E70E010BB9589"><h1>Phoenix Bioscience Core Master Plan<br></h1><p>The PBC is a 30-acre bioscience hub located in the heart of Downtown Phoenix where unprecedented collaborations transpire between innovators and institutions of research excellence, setting a new standard in advancing precision medicine from discovery to delivery. Its connections extend to research, clinical partners, innovation hubs, and tech transfer outside of downtown. The masterplan supports PBC’s vision to create an ever-evolving campus and sense of ‘place’ for the biotech ecosystem including research, business expansion, and acceleration.<br></p><p>We’re inviting the public to share their vision for how the PBC can further support Phoenix’s evolving medical and research education, healthcare, innovation, and economic needs. Your ideas will help guide campus design, public spaces, transportation links, and community amenities. Learn more about the next master plan and advance biomedical sciences while creating a vibrant, accessible space for everyone.<br></p><div>
</div><h3>A Timeline of Workflow Process:<br></h3><ul><li>
<strong>Phase 1: Understand (Current Phase)</strong></li><ul><li>Understanding the PBC today and what drivers will guide the master plan.<br></li></ul><li>Phase 2: Explore<br></li><ul><li>Exploring future development scenarios and site capacity.<br></li></ul><li>Phase 3: Realize</li><ul><li>Realizing the vision of PBC and developing the master plan update.<br></li></ul></ul><div><br></div><div><h3>Communtiy Workshop Event:<br></h3><ul><li>(PAST) Parsons Center for Health and Wellness: Thursday, October 24 from 6pm - 8pm<br></li></ul></div><div><br></div></div> | | | pbc-master-plan | Phoenix Bioscience Core Master Plan Update | Development Opportunities | development-opportunities/pbc-master-plan |