Downtown RDA Plan Update Open House RDA Plan Update Open House<div class="ExternalClass896D94F9406448718A75CFBCAFAA6330"><p>​Join us at Burton Barr on February 6th anytime from 1:00pm to 6:00pm to learn about the updated draft plan, ask questions, & provide feedback.​<br></p></div>2/6/2025 7:00:00 AM2/6/2025 8:00:00 PM<div class="ExternalClass55C7805AA71046B287A3FBD74A0E7AE6"><p>Thursday, February 6th from 1:00pm – 6:00pm​<br></p></div>Burton Barr Central Library – Pulliam Auditorium1221 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004<i class="fa-duotone fa-file-lines"></i>_self<i class="fa-duotone fa-globe"></i>_selfCommunity Development Meeting